Thursday 11 June 2015

It's Raining

It's raining outside and im still studying..this is the perfect time to sleep but what can i do..the exam is just tomorrow ='D chaiyok!!! =D


I kind of interested in photography and I fell like to buy a camera with many functions..Well yeah if I said camera, I believe many of you will just imagine the must have camera now, DSLR. But, after some reading from others blog, I found that there's a lot more camera that as great as DSLR in term of the performance and functions and also the quality of pictures..What I'm interested in now is mirrorless camera..This camera's function is the same as that we have in our handphone..The camera did not use mirror in it..It's much lighter and smaller compared to DSLR that bigger and heavier..But, the price and the quality are about the same and some is even better than DSLR..So why bother bring such a huge and heavy camera if you just want to capture a picture for your own collection? But, it's different for the professional photographers who depend on that job to live..They might use DSLR to complete their job..So, before you buy any camera, think first then act =D

p/s: But, people nowadays just snap pictures with their smartphone and upload it at the media social such as Instagram =P

I'm in love with this camera now =D =D =D..Sony Nex-7..Anyone who want to give it to me as a present, just let me know..hahaha..okay lame joke =P

Detective Conan

Any of you watches anime? As I know, boys always watch anime such as Dragon Ball, Naruto and One Piece. But, girls are not excluded including ME.. =D But, I only interested in Detective Conan, no other than that. I enjoy to the full when I watched this anime. Same as the other anime, Detective Conan has sooooooooo many episodes. How can I finish it all eh? Haha..I have about 200 episodes with me..and just watched about 130 episodes..If i'm not mistaken, there's 9++ episodes in Detective Conan..But, that amount is not including the movies, live action, OVAs, special, Kaito Kid, and Aoyama's short stories..I wonder how and when can I finish to watch it all..hahaha..


I believe that many of you is eager to hear some story about GST..but i'm not here to support or ban the program..we're just an ordinary person in this country that has no power, no money what suggestion or comment that we make, it just a rubbish talk because they will never agree with us..

So after GST was launched on 1 April 2015, i take such serious consideration in everything that i gonna of the basic thing that i could buy every months is prepaid reload..topup maaaa =D one day, i went to the shop and told the shopkeeper that i want to buy topup.."sir..i wanna buy topup RM40 for Celcom"..then he replied "you want one RM30 and one RM10 or four RM10?" a bit confused at that time and i asked.."what's the different sir?".."no GST charge for RM10 and there's GST applied for the RM30",he said..without thinking much i said,"ok i'll have four RM40 topup"..hahaha..who want to pay more, right?so think and and use your money wisely =D


Several months ago, my MP3 cannot be turned on..i just put it in my bag..and i leave it for about a week..then, when i want to listen to the music, i search for it..when i pressed the ON button, it won't turn on!!!!! how sad i felt that was when i was form 5, i use my own money to buy that MP3 and suddenly i can no longer use sad!!! ='(

But, it's not the end of the story..i can't just sit back and relax to see my beloved stuff in that i start my experiment..hehee =D i watch a video at youtube on how to turn on the 'dead' MP3..and surprisingly, it's working..alhamdulilah..yeayyyyyyyyy =D but there's one more problem..i cannot use the next and previous what did i do??? i use screwdriver to open up the MP3 and i found that the battery is 'kembung'(org melayu ckp =P) so i leave the MP3 unscrew..i can use it normally so so so sooooooo happy =D =D =D

a YES is a NO

Actually UTM provided free internet to the students and the server is YES 4G hearing its name, everyone perhaps have a high expectation about this service in term of speed, coverage etc..but the internet issue is never completely solved..sometimes it's very difficult to connect to the internet, that's why we come out with that name, YES is a NO.. :D yes it has improvement but the coverage of the internet still cannot cover whole UTM..maybe there's some problems that can't be solved easily like the topology of UTM itself..

But, for me, im very satisfied with this improvement because before UTM collaberate with YES 4G, the students that has wired connection only can get access to the internet even if in their own room..unfortunately for those who use wireless connection, cannot access to.the internet easily..the hotspot is usually at the library and offices

Free Gift

I already bought a new external hard disk several months ago, but i found it difficult to carry along a big hard disk whenever i need it just to copy documents from i plan to buy an USB flash drive or well-known as thumb drive or pen drive..but there are many clon pen drives out there..the capacity is 8gb but actually there's only 1gb space that can be used..

Last month, my classmates and i went to the industrial visit at Micron company at Muar, Johor. At the end of the visit, the company gave one unit of pen drive to each of us as souvenir..i'm so happy i could die (okay it's a big, fat lie..haha) when they gave us the pen drive.. :D the capacity of the pen drive is 16gb :D

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Plan B

From the previous post, i had mentioned about the hard dosk despite using my own money to but the new hard disk, i use the Baucer Buku 1 Malaysia (BBIM) that provided to all university's students.. :D but i did not buy the internal hard disk..i bought an external hard disk..the capacity is the same as the internal which is i think it's enough for me..the price is RM281..:D

Hard Disk Error

I've used my laptop for about four years and this is the first time an error occured..the internal hard disk is error and the only solution is to replace it with a new one..from the unlucky day, my laptop performance is very bad and it lag a I decided to format my laptop and after the format is done..the performance of laptop is very good..i feel like i got a new laptop :D and about the ard disk problem..i'll think about it later..well yeah no money no talk man..hahaha..

Final Examination

Yeahhhhhh two more papers to go :D Then go back to hometown and meet my family :D :D :D

Monday 13 April 2015



First thing first, I don't even have a blog account before. This is my first time having a blog account =D It's not that i am not interested in writing but I just have this idea in mind and never take action to write and share stories with other people. In order to write something, I have to create a blog account first. I thought it's difficult to create a blog but when I search the steps at the internet, it surprised me. =D The steps as simple as ABC

I want to share the steps with you guys =D. 

1) If you don't have a google account, please do so. You can also use yahoo account or else but you don't get much benefits as blogspot or is a part of Google. To create google account --> Create Google Account

2) You need to create a blog. Click --> Create Your Own Blog and you will see this.

3) Then, click "New Blog" at the upper left of the web page. Just put any title and address for your blog and the will check either the address is available or not. Choose your template and click "Create blog!" at the bottom right of the page.

4) Now, you're ready to start!!! =D =D =D by just clicking "Start posting" =D =D


Credit to HASRULHASSAN for this awesome info. =)